Can this site be made suitable for an implant?
A 26 year old white female patient in excellent health presents with a missing #30 [mandibular right first molar; 46] and a large radiopaque area. The mandible does not show any expansion and the area is asymptomatic. The mandibular canal appears to traverse through the apical extent of the radiopacity. What do you think this is? I have received opinions of condensing osteitis and odontoma. I thought odontoma, but I am not an oral surgeon. Should this lesion be removed or should I just proceed with the implant installation? Should I expect that the bone in this area will have an increased density like Type I bone?
Implant Troubleshooting Advice by Dr. Sam Jain
Many times we make osteotomies with trephine…in this case use a new sharp trephine with a steady hand and you get normal and abnormal bone in one cyclinder and you would be able to see and touch and look under 20x if you have Global microscope, the kind of stuff we keep wondering about just like we are doing right now. You are gonna send it to the pathology lab. If you feel it feels like hard bone, put the implant but if feels like enamel (very unlikely), do not place implant and send to the dental school omf dept and write a paper, we would all like to read. A very good learning opportunity.
If u are in bay area, bring the px to my office and we write paper together. Give me a call.
If u are in bay area, bring the px to my office and we write paper together. Give me a call.
Good learning opportunity. Enjoy
Sam Jain, DMD (UCONN 2000)