60 year old lady, referred for implant placement in the maxillary right lateral incisor region. Favourable IHB, horizontal bone & soft tissue defect Seibert's Class 1. Ridge width at the crest 2.5mm, with a concave profile apically, thereby precluding ridge expansion and splitting. Implant placed against the palatal plate after tapping to prevent the push of the plate, and the resultant dehiscence was about 7-8 mm. Grafted using Autogenous chips as the first layer on the implant, followed by an Alloplast putty, and a pericardium membrane before achieving tension free primary closure. The last pictures are of 1 year follow up ( which was almost a year ago)

Dr. Jain's recommendation
Excellent result. I think putty really holds the graft in place and is responsible for this really really nice result. Very well done.
At our implant center, we place a screw retained temporary tooth also at the same time along with a gum graft (sectg) and if the case was really really bad, we add bmp also.(xxs bottle for $675, if bought as a six pack from medtronics).
So the patient always(almost always) leaves with a temp tooth and gets numbed only once....kind of a brand statement.
The job becomes a lot more labor some, but the cosmetics is really impressive because with this technique gum/sulcus/interproximal papilla enjoy 3 to 4 months of maturation around the contours of the temp tooth.
It is always inspiring to see results like this.
Sam Jain, DMD
Center For Implant Dentistry
Fremont, CA